
Welcome from the AANMC President

Greetings Health Professions Advisors,

We appreciate you taking the time to visit the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) for resources that can assist your students in becoming naturopathic doctors (ND). Our goal is to make this process as user-friendly as possible, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional resources or have difficulty finding what you need.

You may encounter students who are interested in exploring natural medicine as a way to improve the health of their community and the planet. These students may be drawn to natural medicine because it emphasizes a holistic approach to health care, which takes into account the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person’s well-being.

As a health care advisor, you can help these students by providing information about accredited programs in natural medicine, as well as resources to help them pursue their career goals. You can also help them develop a better understanding of the field of natural medicine and provide guidance on how to make informed choices about their education and career.

In addition, you can encourage these students to consider the wide range of career opportunities available in natural medicine, such as working as a naturopathic physician, herbalist, nutritionist, or wellness coach. By supporting and mentoring these students, you can help them achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world around them. However, finding accredited programs that combine medicine and nature and lead to a fulfilling career can be challenging. The AANMC is here to guide you and your students as you seek resources in this field.

The field of naturopathic medicine presents an excellent opportunity for these students to explore. NDs are licensed primary care physicians who focus on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of disease, rather than just treating symptoms. They use a holistic approach to patient care, taking into account the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a patient’s health.

NDs use a combination of conventional and natural therapies, such as nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, counseling, and lifestyle modifications to prevent and treat illness. They also work with patients to develop individualized treatment plans that aim to improve overall health and prevent future health problems.

NDs can treat a wide range of acute and chronic health conditions, including allergies, digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, and mental health issues. They can also provide preventive care, such as annual physical exams and health screenings.

In summary, NDs provide comprehensive and personalized primary care services that focus on improving overall health and well-being, while addressing the root causes of illness. By studying to become a naturopathic physician, your students will learn to combine the best of natural therapies with evidence-based medical science. Graduates of naturopathic medical schools have a wide range of career options, such as becoming a physician, medical center advisor, author, supplement industry expert, nonprofit organization leader, and much more.

As an influential figure in your students’ lives, we invite you to learn and share what it takes to become an ND. You may be the key to helping a student discover this fulfilling career path offered at accredited naturopathic medical schools throughout North America.

Join us as we define the future of healthcare by introducing promising young doctors to the field of naturopathic medicine.

Best regards,
Sandra Chimon Rogers, PhD
AANMC President


Naturopathic Medicine Overview

Learn how the history of naturopathic medicine, the six Guiding Principles, and the Therapeutic Order set naturopathic medicine apart from other health care approaches.


Career Paths

While many who choose naturopathic medicine practice clinically, patient care is not the only career path naturopathic physicians excel in. Plus, learn about career satisfaction, the ND job outlook, income expectations and licensure.


Accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools

Why is accreditation important and where can I find these programs?


Preparing for a Naturopathic Medical Education

Become well-versed in admissions requirements, the application process, and financial aid resources to chart an individualized plan for future ND candidates.


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Whether you are considering a career as a naturopathic doctor, are currently enrolled in naturopathic medical school, or are a practicing naturopathic doctor, follow the AANMC on social media to stay up to date with the exciting field of naturopathic medicine! Receive regular updates on state licensure and other public policy initiatives, links to informative articles, and breaking news on the latest research and activities of trailblazers in the field of integrative medicine.

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