Reasons to Hire an ND Resident

Reasons to Hire an ND Resident

Expand clinical opportunities and increase patient care at your practice

Support advancement of the naturopathic profession

Contribute to a graduate’s clinical experience

Is a resident right for my practice?

The naturopathic residency runs for one to three years. Your commitment to having an ND resident with you for that time-frame includes providing some basics, such as:

  • Opportunities for meaningful patient visits for the resident to hone their clinical skills
  • A positive learning environment
  • Malpractice coverage

Who coordinates naturopathic residencies?

The Council on Naturopathic Medical Examination (CNME) recognizes accredited naturopathic medical colleges to oversee residency sites. The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) convenes the AANMC Residency Committee, which is comprised of the Residency Directors from the accredited member programs which participate in residency supervision.

The AANMC Residency Committee is committed to continual improvement of post-graduate medical education through expansion of residency opportunities, and ensuring the overall quality of postgraduate medical education.

Residency application and match


AANMC offers a centralized application for students to view and apply to all participating residency sites. This centralized service allows for greater visibility of site information to all ND students.


The AANMC Residency Match is an opportunity to take some of the legwork out of hiring and have the best qualified candidates apply for your position.

Getting started

Each accredited residency site must meet the requisite criteria, which can be found in the Handbook on CNME Postdoctoral Naturopathic Medical Education – Sponsor Recognition Process and Standards.

The first step is to communicate with a residency director at one of the sponsoring schools, to develop a plan and timeline to bring on a resident. If you are considering bringing on a resident, please don’t hesitate to reach out and find out if this is right for you and your practice.

Email to learn more and get connected with a residency director.