Can I make a living as a naturopathic doctor?
Yes you can, and you can make a big difference too! Income is not a driving factor for graduates of naturopathic medical school, but we know that students want to feel secure in their ability to make a living and pay off student loan debt. The AANMC conducted its 2020 Graduate Success and Compensation Study in an effort to help ND students understand their income expectations once they become practicing naturopathic physicians, and to foster transparency on the different ways NDs use their degree. Additionally, income is projected to increase with growth in the profession and professional opportunities.
AANMC, our member schools, and professional associations consistently advocate to increase job opportunities, student loan reimbursement options, and insurance coverage for ND care and the state/provincials and governmental level.
NDs working full-time make on average $80,000-150,000 (USD).

Income varies based on geographic location, number of patients seen per week, years in practice, procedures or specialties offered, and practice setting. Graduates can expect to see their income grow steadily with experience over time, as is the case with any field.
ND graduates see rapid job placement

ND graduates spend more quality time with their patients.
The average first office visit with an ND is between one and two hours, with follow ups from a half hour to one hour.

Beyond financial considerations - NDs have a good work-life balance
In addition to financial considerations, naturopathic physicians place a high value on practicing what they learn in school themselves. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is part of meeting their career goals.
Percentage of naturopathic medical graduates satisfied or very satisfied with their work-life balance*
Percentage of physicians in the United States that are satisfied or very satisfied with their work-life balance**
*2020 Graduate Success and Compensation Study, AANMC, (Spring 2020).
**Disturbing Trends in Physician Burnout and Satisfaction With Work-Life Balance. Ariely, DanLanier, William L. et al. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Volume 90, Issue 12, 1593 – 1596.