Naturopathic medicine celebrates the healing power of nature.
Naturopathic medicine is dedicated to the study and celebration of nature’s healing powers. The core practice of naturopathic medicine is as old as healing itself, and as modern as new medical breakthroughs. The profession incorporates a dynamic philosophy and recognizes the interconnection and interdependence of all living things. Naturopathic medicine prioritizes the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies to treat illness, and promotes wellness by viewing the body as an integrated whole.
Naturopathic medicine is defined by principles rather than by treatment options. Above all, it honors the body’s innate wisdom to heal and gives patients the tools for lifelong wellness.
Naturopathic Principles
The six principles of naturopathic medicine unite NDs across the world:
First Do No Harm
Core to all medical practice is the desire to help the human form and condition. NDs typically approach care by utilizing the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies. NDs will refer when the patient’s presentation is outside their scope or level of skill.
The Healing Power of Nature
NDs recognize the value of our natural world in assisting the healing process. Not only do NDs utilize substances that originate in nature, but they also incorporate a healthy natural environment as foundational to human health. Naturopathic doctors recognize and harness the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself in order to guide patients to wellness and total health.
Identify and Treat the Causes
There is a time and place for symptom suppression, however most naturopathic patients will benefit from identifying the underlying causes of illness and removing obstacles to cure.
Doctor as Teacher
Naturopathic doctors elevate patient health literacy. That means that NDs are part of the team helping patients have a better understanding of what it takes to be and stay well. Through education and a trust-based relationship, patients better understand the steps they need to take to achieve and maintain health.
Treat the Whole Person
Naturopathic doctors understand the interconnectedness of our body, our environment and our lifestyle on total health. It is only through this whole-person-based approach that NDs seek to restore balance and health.
Naturopathic medicine affirms that it is better to prevent illness and suffering whenever possible. Through their comprehensive practice, NDs combine all six principles in order to identify potential areas of imbalance and teach patients how to get well and stay well.
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