Ever Heard of a Naturopath? Here’s Why You Want To See One

According to conventional wisdom, when you’re sick, you call the doctor. (And maybe your mom.) But your trusty MD may not be the only one who can cure what ails you—especially if you’ve paid him or her a visit already and still aren’t feeling well. That’s where naturopaths come in. — And so writer Nicole Frehsee goes on to discuss why readers of Prevention Magazine might want to see a naturopathic doctor!

AANP President-Elect Jaclyn Chasse, ND is quoted, as well as Bastyr’s Jamey Wallace.

“That’s why making lifestyle changes is a focus,” Wallace says. Sufferers of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes typically benefit from weight loss, regular exercise and, of course, a healthy diet, so a naturopath will help patients map out a plan to meet those goals. “I’ll spend time with a patient to identify obstacles to doing those things, and help them set up a schedule so they can practice them,” says Wallace.


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