The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) reached a milestone when it recently established its clinical competencies for naturopathic medical school graduates.
In addition, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and its House of Delegates recently approved guidance for naturopathic practice and care. The guidance is intended to boost naturopathic doctors’ prospects for becoming licensed and enhance the public’s perception of the profession.
Together, these voluntary guidelines establish a set of baseline expectations for naturopathic doctors and patient care.
Join our webinar on Monday, November 23 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST to learn more about the documents, their value, and their relevance to you.
While they are not enforceable standards, you will want to become conversant with their purpose and applicability regardless of whether you are an AANP member, member of a state association, practicing physician, student, faculty member, or school administrator.
Webinar speakers are Drs. Ryan Bradley and JoAnn Yanez. Both were intimately involved in the development of the respective documents. Dr. Bradley is chair of the AANP Task Force that developed Guidance of Care and Dr. Yanez is Executive Director of the AANMC.