Getting to the Root of Hair Loss

Getting to the Root of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a distressing experience for anyone, regardless of age or gender. Getting to the root cause is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan that promotes hair regrowth and prevents further hair loss. Hair loss is often a symptom of an underlying health concern, therefore, a broad and complete assessment is essential for achieving long-term success in restoring hair health and improving quality of life. In this webinar, we will take an interdisciplinary approach to the various reasons behind hair loss and how to tackle even the most challenging of cases.

Rubaina Dang, ND

Rubaina Dang, NDDr. Rubaina Dang is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in California. She specializes in complex dermatological and gastrointestinal conditions, providing a comprehensive approach on healing from the inside out. She serves as an ally for those on their health journeys, focusing on getting to the root cause of any digestive issue, hair or skin concern.

Disclaimer: Please note that watching an AANMC (Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges) webinar does not qualify for continuing education (CE) credits.  While our webinars provide valuable information and insights into the field of naturopathic medicine, they do not fulfill the requirements for CE credits.


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