Be Empowered: Improving Fertility Outcomes with Naturopathic Medicine

Searching for ways to support fertility? Naturopathic medicine can empower your journey. Understand how imbalances can affect fertility and learn ways that naturopathic medicine can improve fertility outcomes.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Shama Patel

Dr. Shama Patel is a highly-regarded, compassionate expert in naturopathic fertility and root cause/functional medicine. She created Atlanta’s first and only naturopathic program for fertility and subfertility care.

Over time in practice with her patients, Dr. Patel realized that only focusing on the physical side, such as lab results and discussing daily activities, left many underlying root causes of disease in place. In many patients’ cases, it is not just black-and-white lab numbers or their diet log that will uncover root causes but rather the emotional and spiritual issues that can be difficult to talk about. A very unique aspect of working with Dr. Patel, for those clients ready and open to it, is her willingness to address other obstacles of health such as chronic stress, toxic relationships, a difficult break-up, previous trauma, or spiritual disconnection. Dr. Patel’s goal is to create a safe space that gives patients the courage to work on their mind and spirit along with addressing their physical health.

Disclaimer: Please note that watching an AANMC (Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges) webinar does not qualify for continuing education (CE) credits.  While our webinars provide valuable information and insights into the field of naturopathic medicine, they do not fulfill the requirements for CE credits.


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