Each week, members of the naturopathic community congregate on Twitter to discuss the latest news, trends, and more in naturopathic medicine.
We then highlight some of the conversations that took place on our website. Below you’ll find highlights focused on the question:
What are some of the positive and negative ways the environment impacts our health?
10 Great Reasons To Get Outside More Often by @cyndigilbert https://t.co/KugbJ9LQ5b via @mindbodygreen #NatMedChat #EarthDay2016
— Cyndi Gilbert (@drcyndind) April 14, 2016
Salmon Caught Near Seattle Full Of Cocaine And Antidepressants https://t.co/UDXHZv18Q4 via @EliteDaily #natmedchat #earthday #environment
— Cori Burke, ND (@Dr_CoriBurke) April 15, 2016
Greenery (or Even Photos of Trees) Can Make Us Happier https://t.co/REXO9TqvDt #NatMedChat #Naturopathic
— Dr. Rosia Parrish, ND (@Fertility_ND) April 15, 2016
Common Houseplants clean the air! via @TheNatPath https://t.co/Ys7oUEh21l @AANMC #EarthDay #NatMedChat
— Laura Rues (@drlaurarues) April 15, 2016
These #herbs for healthy bones https://t.co/sJU6S6D0Ge #NatMedChat #naturopathic #botanical #osteoporosis
— NaturalPath (@TheNatPath) April 16, 2016
Healing Power of Nature #natural #environment https://t.co/ypyAvWAvpp #NatMedChat @AANMC
— NaturopathicDocNews (@NaturopathNews) April 16, 2016
Another study shows that allergy medicines likely do more harm than good https://t.co/7Sq6BwE7HX #natmedchat #naturopath #anticholinergic
— Cori Burke, ND (@Dr_CoriBurke) April 20, 2016
You might also be interested in our related article, How Nature Can Impact Your Health – A Naturopathic Perspective, where we posed this same question to other experts in the field.