AANMC Hires New Executive Director

December 1, 2012

JoAnn-YanezThe board of directors of the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) announced today that Dr. JoAnn L. Yanez, ND, MPH, is its new, full-time executive director. Dr. Yanez begins this first-ever leadership position on December 1, 2012.

Dr. Yanez brings a wealth of experience within the naturopathic community, having served as Sonoran University of Health Sciences (Sonoran University) adjunct faculty and clinical supervisor; University of Bridgeport AANMC-admissions liaison; and vice president of legislative affairs in New York with the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians (NYANP). After graduation from Sonoran University and completion of a family practice residency, her service to the profession has included a six-year term on the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education, seven years on the board of the NYANP and subsequent representation on the AANP alliance for state legislation. Dr. Yanez was the recipient of the Legacy Award at her alma mater, Sonoran University.

“This position is a natural progression in my long commitment to advancing the naturopathic medical profession,” said Dr. Yanez. “The opportunity to work so closely and collaboratively with this amazing community at this critical time is very exciting.”

In addition to her leadership roles in the naturopathic profession, Dr. Yanez has a robust involvement in the evolving issues of health care. She has been deeply involved in numerous outside agencies, consulting with hospitals to create integrative medicine programs, promoting natural health legislation in Washington, D.C., writing a health-related column for Sioux Falls Woman magazine, and also working within the Veteran’s Affairs health system to expand utilization and knowledge of natural therapies. She and her husband are also co-founders of Law-4-Docs.com, an online educational tool for licensed professionals to avoid the pitfalls of malpractice risk.

Dr. Yanez will be the first full-time executive director for the AANMC, and will work with its board to assist the organization in growing its ability to serve the member schools, the naturopathic profession, and training highly qualified doctors of naturopathic medicine to serve the public.

Dr. G.S.S. Khalsa, AANMC president, said, “Dr. Yanez’ interest in advancing naturopathic education, and her experience in public policy and outreach were key factors considered by the board in choosing her for this critical position. The AANMC board of directors is excited to be working with her and look forward to the changes to come with her leadership.”

The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges represents the collaborative interests of seven accredited naturopathic medical programs at eight campus locations in North America. It is dedicated to ensuring high-quality, innovative, and accessible naturopathic medical education and research.

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