They say it’s not what you know, it’s who. But couldn’t it also be who knows you? After all, any ND worth his or her salt will tell you the importance of getting your name out there — of establishing a presence. Because hey, no one will know what an amazing doctor you are if you don’t tell them!
While all naturopathic doctors (NDs) receive training as general practitioners, many NDs do find themselves drawn to certain areas of expertise once actively practicing. Oncology, pediatrics, women’s health, infectious diseases — these and more are all specialties on which NDs can focus, providing expert and often much-needed care to their patients.
Likewise, the schools of the AANMC understand the benefits of making their voices heard. By reaching new audiences and exposing them to the benefits of and the career potential in naturopathic medicine, they are helping to swell the ranks of future NDs. Read on to learn how our schools are making their presences known – on television and on the Web, clinically and economically…
Sonoran University alumnus featured on The Doctors TV Show
In a recent segment of The Doctors entitled “How Liquid Nitrogen Therapy Works,” Dr. Alan Christianson, ND, extolled the health benefits of whole-body cryotherapy and conducted a demonstration on how cryotherapy redirects blood flow in the extremities’ small blood vessels toward the body’s core and organs, thereby stimulating the rate of tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Dr. Christianson is founder of Integrative Health in Scottsdale, Ariz. and a member of Sonoran University’s first graduating class. VIEW THE VIDEO ON Sonoran University’s YOUTUBE CHANNEL >
UBCNM establishes Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine
The University of Bridgeport proudly announces the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine (COE), slated to open this spring. The COE will train naturopathic medical students, effectively broadening UBCNM’s curriculum, and will sponsor research in the fields of nutrigenomics and epigenetics, which examine how human genes interact with and are affected by the environment, lifestyle and diet. This joint venture is in collaboration with the renowned Dr. Peter D’Adamo, ND,author of the perennial New York Times bestseller “Eat Right 4 Your Type.” READ MORE >
Explore the new CCNM – Boucher
The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine – Boucher Campus has redeveloped and redesigned its website. The new CCNM – Boucher features resources on naturopathic medicine, profiles and success stories from within the Boucher community, information on monthly clinic promotions, an events calendar, a blog and more! The admissions section has been revamped to make it easier for prospective students to find information on Boucher’s ND program, academic philosophy, financing options and applying to the College. EXPLORE THE NEW WEBSITE >
A new online identity for Bastyr
Bastyr University has also launched a new, easy-to-navigate website that reflects the school’s growth. From its founding as an ND school more than 25 years ago, Bastyr has matured into a multidisciplinary institution with 17 programs and two campuses, and the new showcases these offerings. The site includes a degree-finder tool, robust collections of recipes and health tips and streamlined admissions information. It also unveils Bastyr’s new colors: cranberry, ginger and juniper. HAVE A LOOK >
CCNM premiers bridge delivery for international doctors
In February, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine announced the launch of its bridge delivery program for international medical graduates (IMGs). The two-year program will incorporate all of the competencies of the College’s existing four-year ND program, while at the same time acknowledging students’ previous medical experience and education; upon completing the program, graduates will receive the degree of ND. READ MORE >
NCNM proves a financial boon to hometown
Earlier this month, the National College of Natural Medicine released a report prepared by ECONorthwest, a leading Portland economic consulting firm, that demonstrates the measureable impact that this private medical college is having on Portland’s economy — nearly $56 million in 2011! LEARN MORE FROM THE SCHOOL’S PRESS RELEASE >
Here’s to establishing your own presence,
Shana Schorsch
Web Content Editor