Welcome to AANMC’s “Milestones 2011” Issue!

Issue 33 • January 2012

In This Issue…

Editor’s Note: My own look back, 2002–2012

Since I first became acquainted with the accredited naturopathic medical schools in 2002, I’ve seen the pool of passionate and qualified students more than double – growing from 617 to 1,119 new applicants, and from 265 to 606 new enrollments in year 2011! This growth has not been one-dimensional: As the number of those choosing to become NDs has increased, so has the number of ND schools. By the end of 2012, we will have eight accredited ND school campuses spanning North America – a remarkable increase in footprint from the five AANMC schools of 2002. The development I have witnessed over this 10-year span has, at various times, brought tears to my eyes, chills to my spine, and always hope and optimism to my heart.

Not only have I seen student enrollment swell and campus locations bloom; I’ve also watched several teaching clinics outgrow themselves over the past decade and move into bigger and more functional spaces, where they now educate more students and treat more patients. I’ve observed the birth of new community clinics, which bring natural medicine to underserved patients who likely would not have found such care otherwise. I’ve witnessed new medicinal herb gardens carpet campuses, and eco-friendly student housing break new ground.

I’ve watched in awe as students and faculty alike have zealously directed their focus toward naturopathic research – their determination resulting in ground-breaking discoveries, influential publications and improved efficacy for every patient. I’ve listened quietly as the academicians of our schools have met and collaborated with growing frequency, continually raising the bar for course curricula and professional competencies. I’ve answered an increasing volume of inquiries from an eager general public yearning to know how to experience the life-changing benefits of naturopathic medicine. I’ve celebrated the passage of ND licensure legislation in four states and two provinces.

And I’ve seen all of this growth supported by unprecedented amounts of funding – both federal and private – from what typically began as one person’s small idea. As Margaret Mead so insightfully expressed, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Most gratifying of all, I’ve watched my student-friends transform themselves from struggling, ambitious, hungry med students into brilliant, successful doctors who are healing their patients and enlarging their own footprint on the planet in so many fruitful ways.

Here’s to expanding your own footprint in 2012,

Coquina_DegerCoquina Deger
Managing Editor, AANMC

ND school milestones 2011

The schools of the AANMC undertook some major projects that have kept them both busy and focused throughout the year. Many of these undertakings involved breaking through previous boundaries to expand capacities and to establish new partnerships and collaborations. With additional campuses, clinics and support from the community at large, each of the AANMC schools worked hard in 2011 to ensure naturopathic medicine’s place in the future medical community. READ SCHOOL MILESTONES 2011 >

Top 10 CAM news stories 2011

From the Fukushima earthquake and the increase in genetically modified organism (GMO) approvals, to apple juice contamination and prescription drugs overdoses, at times year 2011 has felt like one big overdose of bad news stories. But the top 10 complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) news highlights of 2011 shine light on some promising gems as well, further demonstrating humanity’s overwhelming desire to heal the planet: The rise in CAM use has continued, fueled by rising health care costs and safety concerns, and scientific validation of natural treatments continues to mount. Yet another state now licenses NDs, and the U.S. federal government continues to focus on and support disease prevention measures. READ TOP 10 CAM NEWS 2011 >

For Advisors: What was new in 2011?

New Year’s resolution for pre-health advisors and counselors: Introduce your students to a streamlined application process that saves them time and money: NDCAS. The Naturopathic Doctor Centralized Application System made the breaking ND-applicant news of year 2011. With a strong rollout this past fall, the new system has sparked much interest and positive feedback from student applicants since its launch. Through just a single application (and a single fee) your students can now apply to up to four of our participating ND schools.

NDCAS upgrades slated for 2012: A new, easy to navigate mobile platform and deadline feeds via social media.

Your Questions Answered: Do NDs specialize?

Q: In what areas do NDs commonly specialize?

A: An ND’s training prepares him or her to become a general practitioner (GP), so NDs do not train to specialize in a particular area of medicine – at least not during med school. This makes NDs a very valuable asset to the modern medical community because it enables them to fill the numerous GP positions left open when MDs opt to practice specialty medicine, which is becoming more common than not. Discover more about NDs who opt to specialize: READ YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED

And please keep the good questions coming! E-mail Coquina Deger at editor@aanmc.org

Next Up: A day in the life of an ND

Have you ever wondered what it’ll really be like to practice naturopathic medicine? After all the classes, the labs, the clinical training and the exams…What will it be like when you’re finally diagnosing and treating your patients? What will your schedule be like? What obstacles will you face? What will gratify you beyond belief – to make all the studying you’ve done worthwhile? Look to our next e-newsletter and our next Webinar to give you some insight into such a career.


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