July 25, 2012
Alberta has become the fifth Canadian province to regulate the practice of naturopathic medicine under Alberta’s Health Professions Act, umbrella legislation for health professions. The new legislation establishes the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA), a regulating and licensing body that will determine requirements for entry into the profession and ongoing professional development. CNDA also will develop standards for professional practice, investigate ND-related complaints and govern the use of titles including Naturopath and Naturopathic Doctor. ND services will not be covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan. There are currently 144 practicing NDs in Alberta.
“Our government recognizes that Albertans want choice when it comes to their health, especially in the areas of wellness and illness prevention,” said Health Minister Fred Horne. “More and more people are relying on the services of naturopathic doctors, and they can now be assured that the practitioner they visit has the competency and skills required to practice in Alberta.”
“We offer Albertans a distinct system of primary health care that is an art, a science, a philosophy and a practice of diagnosis and assessment, treatment and prevention of illness,” said Dr. Allissa Gaul, the founding president of CNDA. “We applaud this government for making health and wellness a priority to benefit Albertans.”
Want to know more? Read the full articles:
Naturopath Profession Recognized Under Health Professions Act, by OurHometown.ca
Alberta Regulates Naturopathic Doctors, by the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)
Take your first step to becoming a naturopathic doctor today: Apply to the ND school of your choice.