Issue 31 • August 2011
In This Issue…
- Editor’s Note: Behavior is contagious
- Interviews: NDs’ connections
- Upcoming Events: Student days and Webinar
- In the News: Centralized application service
- Your Questions Answered: ND as a 2nd career?
- Next Up: Campus life
Editor’s Note: Behavior is contagious
The buzz on social contagion is entertaining to consider, but do you believe in it? Some clever research scientists now do, having found evidence to support this one-universe-one-mind theory.
They’ve discovered that “a friend of a friend can make you prone to smoking, unhappiness or loneliness. The statistics are there to prove it, even though you have never met this friend of a friend.”1
While it comes as no surprise that close family members and friends are 50 percent more likely to adopt similar behaviors, a friend of a friend is still 20 percent more likely to do so. And the influence doesn’t stop there — even a friend of that friend is 10 percent more likely!
The good news? This behavioral contagion applies to positive behaviors too, such as good study habits, higher grades, and healthful eating and exercise habits! When Mom steered you to choose your friends wisely, she had good reason — so much in life comes down to the connections you make.
Naturopathic doctors learn to practice connectedness the way you and I inhale and exhale — instinctively. They develop connections in their clinics and their communities, in the media and local government, and with the environment. In every case, this practice of connectedness begins when they are students and, often, even before.
Integrative clinic partners Drs. Wiley and Walker and new graduate Eva Kozura (June 2011 – Congratulations Dr.Kozura!) are walking examples of connectedness, as you’ll read in their interviews.
When you’re ready to begin forging your own connections, the AANMC can put you in contact with the right school, and more importantly, with the right people. Well over 100 of you have already reserved seats at our annual Prospective Student Days (coming up Aug. 19 and 20 in Phoenix), and we look forward to connecting with many of you there, or at an upcoming Webinar or Fall Forum (schedule TBA). And don’t forget that the admissions staff at each of our colleges is always available to show you around campus.
Here’s to strong connections,
Coquina Deger
Managing Editor, AANMC
[1]Deepak Chopra, “The Shadow Effect,” © 2010, discussing the book “Connected,” by two Harvard researchers Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler.
Interviews: NDs’ connections – a web of support
When we work to become doctors, we don’t do it alone. Rather, we often create a wide web of connections that helps create and shape our lives. Successful CCNM alumnae Drs. Meghan Walker and Erin Wiley realize this, so they’ve placed interconnection and community at the center of their integrative practice in Toronto.
Having total faith in her to handle things has been instrumental for me in terms of being able to operate within a partnership and build such a significant practice. – Meghan Walker, ND
I give Meghan credit for making me a better naturopathic doctor and a better business owner. – Erin Wiley, ND
Recent graduate and newly credentialed naturopathic doctor Eva Kozuracherishes her personal connections to family, friends, fellow students and colleagues – all of who have helped guide and support her on her chosen career path. Thanks to her mentors and teachers, Dr. Kozura has embraced a broader view of such connections, envisioning a global network spanning time, touching everyone and everything. Understand her unique perspective on the interconnected world of naturopathy. LEARN MORE >
The amazing people in this profession create a rich community of resources. Everyone is so generous and helpful. I believe I’ll benefit from these connections my whole life, as we draw upon and share our expertise. – Eva Kozura, ND
On a solemn note, the naturopathic profession has recently lost two of its major contributors: NCNM’s beloved founding library director and the first naturopathic librarian in North America,Friedhelm Kirchfeld, died from complications of Alzheimer’s on July 14 at the age of 71. And Sonoran University co-founder, former AANP president, and the first ND appointed to serve on the NIH Advisory Council, Konrad Kail, ND, passed away on July 18 at the age of 62 after battling brain cancer. Both individuals were authors, mentors and pioneers in their chosen areas of focus, and their presence will be gravely missed.
Upcoming Events: Student days and Webinar
August Prospective Student Days
August 19 & 20, 2011 at the 2011 AANP Conference in Phoenix, Ariz.
Please join us for thought-provoking roundtable discussions where naturopathic doctors and students alike will convene to share their experiences and wisdom. You’ll also explore the natural products exhibit hall and tour the renowned Sonoran University campus and medical clinic. Take advantage of this once-a-year opportunity to learn more about starting a career in naturopathic medicine. Make connections with others who’ve followed and are following the naturopathic path too! SIGN UP TODAY >
Webinar: Preparing for & Applying to ND School
September 7, 2011
Get academic tips from an admissions director and financial planning tips from a financial aid director, and hear a first-year student discuss how she quickly adapted to the ND student lifestyle. SIGN UP TODAY >
There is no charge to attend these AANMC events.
In the News: Centralized application service connects four ND schools
Using technology as a means to forge closer connections among the ND schools, the AANMC is happy to announce the launch of a centralized application system! Beginning in fall 2011, prospective ND students will be able to apply to Boucher, CCNM, Sonoran University or UBCNM using a single, centralized application – making the entire process easier on applicants. READ MORE >
Your Questions Answered: ND as a 2nd career?
Q: Is it ridiculous for me to consider enrolling as a naturopathic medical student at the age of 53?
A: Not in the slightest! In fact, in keeping with the theme of this edition, coming to naturopathic medicine as a second career can have some major advantages, not the least of which is the breadth of knowledge and experience you bring from your previous career. As an adult who has worked in the “real” world, you already have an entire web of valuable connections, both personal and professional, upon which to draw. READ YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED
And please keep the good questions coming! E-mail Coquina Deger at
Next Up: Campus Life
Classes and labs and research, oh my! You’ve been accepted to naturopathic medical school and you’re excited (and how!), but you’re also a little nervous? Of course you are – it’s a big change in your life! So be sure to read our next edition, wherein we’ll break down what to expect when you’re expecting…to attend ND school, that is!