Issue 28 • August 2010
In This Issue…
- Editor’s Note: Career choice
- Event: August Prospective Student Days
- Job Outlook for NDs
- ND Careers: Variety is the spice of life
- Your Questions Answered: NDs and
health care reform? - Next Up: Applying to ND school
Career choice, an open path
Humanity’s overwhelming desire to heal the planet is being demonstrated with more passion and intensity than ever before. And in my personal experience, a realistic commitment to doing just that is at the heart of every naturopathic doctor’s (ND’s) practice.
The NDs I know cultivate organic gardens. They’re part of the slow food movement. They teach yoga. They pray. They prevent chronic illness and promote healthful aging. They give back to their communities. They pass on their knowledge to new medical students. They nurture their neighbors. They lead nature walks. They write books.
Their hands are open. And from their fingertips they pour health into the planet, sharing wisdom and understanding with all those they encounter.
Their paths are also open. They build their careers to compliment their personal beliefs and life missions. Whether the focus is international, legislative or otherwise, when NDs build their careers, they practice freedom of career choice. What’s more, the job outlook for NDs in today’s career climate is one of growth and potential.
Come hear about NDs’ career experiences at AANMC Prospective Student Days this month, and begin to imagine how you, too, might be able to heal not only your fellow humans, but planet earth as well.
To your health and to your future,
Coquina Deger
Managing Editor, AANMC
Event: August Prospective Student Days
The AANMC invites you to attend AANMC Prospective Student Days at the 2010 AANP Conference! This annual event, where naturopathic doctors and students alike will convene to share their experiences and their wisdom, marks an important opportunity to learn more about a career in naturopathic medicine from those who know.
Another feature, Where Are the Family Doctors?, portrays a day in the life of a primary care MD, exposing the causes of the all too prevalent career dissatisfaction in this particular medical field. Additionally, it covers the shortage of primary care docs forecasted for the coming decade, a topic also addressed by the Association of American Medical colleges (AAMC), which explains that “The U.S. is expected to face a shortage of 124,000–159,000 physicians by 2025.” Fortunately, NDs are trained to serve as primary care physicians, and you can help fill this demand. Apply to the ND school of your choice – start by finding the school that’s right for you!
AANMC Prospective Student Days
August 13 & 14, 2010
Portland, Ore. Please join us for an engaging experience of roundtable discussions on naturopathic medicine, a walk through the natural products exhibit hall and a tour of the famed NCNM campus and research facilities.
Looking for some advanced career planning? Arrange a visit to the first annual NCNM-sponsored Natural & Integrative Medicine Career Fair, same location, August 15. There is no charge to attend these events.
Job Outlook for NDs
Recent developments reflect an increasingly viable marketplace for CAM practitioners, including NDs. From legislative changes to favorable health care consumer choices, it’s a great time to pursue a career in natural health. Learn why, and explore some naturopathic career resources.
ND Careers: Variety is the spice of life
Naturopathic doctors’ careers are as varied as their personalities, but in the end, they’re all about the same thing: healing the whole person. Through research, program development or private practice, here are a few NDs who have followed a variety of paths to fulfill that common dream:
New ground:
Dr. Daniel Rubin, ND, FABNO – Pioneering the way in integrative, naturopathic oncology.
Dr. Betty Radelet, DC, ND – Earned her ND degree in 1968 as a widowed mother of seven.
Dr. Jeffrey Sager, ND – Developed the first U.S. program integrating traditional psychiatry with naturopathic medicine.
Dr. Pina LoGiudice, ND, LAc – Founded the first naturopathic and truly integrative center for women’s health, pregnancy and children.
Dr. Tabatha Parker, ND – Co-founded Natural Doctors International (NDI), based in a free community clinic, in Ometepe, Nicaragua.
Dr. Sharon Stills, ND – Began as a massage therapist; now brings European medicine to the U.S.
Dr. Andrew Kaufmann, ND – Established a diabetes treatment and prevention program on an Apache reservation.
Dr. Tara Levy, ND – Helped lead the movement to license NDs in California.
Dr. Fraser Smith, ND – Working toward ND licensure in Illinois; developed new ND curriculum at NUHS.
Financial health:
Dr. Carrie Louise Daenell, ND – Earns an income in the nation’s top one percent of doctors in similar practices.
Dr. Donese Worden, ND – Found both financial success and career satisfaction from day one as an ND.
Grandfathers of the future:
Dr. William Mitchell, ND – Esteemed doctor and educator who left a profound yet personal influence on naturopaths worldwide; practiced 1998-2006.
Michael Traub, ND, DHANP, CCH, FABNO – Helped forge the intersection of naturopathic medicine and mainstream medicine.
Drs. James and Peter D’Adamo, ND – Father and son who’ve spent years developing and validating the science behind the popular and very effective Blood Type Diet.
Dr. Joe Pizzorno, ND – Instrumental in the development of a science-based approach to naturopathic medical education.
Your Questions Answered: NDs and health care reform?
Q: How will naturopathic physicians fit into the new federal health care reform?
A: It’s hard to know exactly what the ramifications of the reform will be, because it’s an enormous piece of legislation. Now that it’s passed, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will write rules and regulations to dictate specifically how the legislation will be applied. The new bill provides multiple opportunities for the expansion of naturopathic medicine’s influence as part of the solution to our health care crisis. READ MORE >
And please keep the good questions coming! E-mail Coquina Deger at
Next Up: Applying to ND school
So you’ve decided to go back to school and study naturopathic medicine. Maybe you’ve even toured a college campus or two and have a pretty good idea to which ND school(s) you’d like to apply. So what’s next?
In our next e-newsletter, you’ll find out how to navigate the application process, prepare for interviews, locate some good financial aid resources and more. Stay tuned!