CCNM is the only naturopathic college in Canada approved to grant a Doctor of Naturopathy degree. A central component of their program is clinical education. Because students start shadowing senior interns at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (RSNC – the teaching clinic at CCNM) in first year, they’re interacting with patients and learning about health care delivery right from the start. Over four years of study, CCNM students spend a minimum of 1,200 hours in clinical training!
This year, the school is seeing tremendous growth in clinical education, including new focus areas, interesting and meaningful research projects, and increasing patient numbers. As a result, CCNM students are seeing more opportunities to expand their clinical knowledge and training.
A new cancer clinic
The newest addition to CCNM’s roster of care will be the Integrative Cancer Clinic (ICC) at RSNC. The NDs at RSNC already lead a number of specialized focus areas (such as supportive cancer care, fertility and reproductive health, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, pediatrics, and sports medicine) where interns can seek advanced training. Now, with CCNM in the planning phase of the new ICC, determining the best model of care and creating practice guidelines are the next steps. CCNM aims to create a hub for clinical care, research, and education in adjunctive cancer therapies that NDs use to treat patients.
More visitors at RSNC
CCNM’s teaching clinic has been witnessing a steady increase of patient visits each month. This past summer, RSNC recorded their highest number of visits in eight years! Promising new developments, as well as emphasizing return visits, have assisted in this growth.
Plentiful internship opportunities for students
In addition to RSNC, CCNM has many external clinics where students can complete internships and other scholarly work. There are six community health centers across the Greater Toronto Area, which serve a wide patient base and offer naturopathic care to diverse and underserved populations. Some of these groups include geriatrics, physical disabilities, and individuals with HIV/AIDS.
The only naturopathic teaching clinic in a hospital
CCNM is also the only naturopathic college in North America that operates a teaching clinic in a hospital. The Brampton Naturopathic Teaching Clinic, housed entirely within Brampton Civic Hospital, serves one of the fastest growing and culturally diverse populations in Canada.
The school has embarked on a research study with the hospital and Wise Elephant Family Health Team – a local health clinic – to examine the effects of complementary naturopathic care for type 2 diabetes. What’s intriguing about this research is the scope – around 15 percent of Wise Elephant’s 10,000 patients present with this illness, and represent a multitude of ethnic and cultural communities. With the data that’s collected, CCNM’s researchers can compare specific health outcomes related to each group and potentially impact the health of thousands of patients in years to come.
Fifth anniversary at CCNM’s Ottawa Integrative Cancer Center
In November, the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre (OICC) will celebrate its official five-year anniversary. When Bob Bernhardt, CCNM’s president, and Dr. Dugald Seely, CCNM’s executive director of research, first discussed building a site for integrative cancer care, they envisioned true inter-professional practice; a place where healthcare professionals collaborate on patient care and research.
OICC is all of that and more. The first of its kind in Eastern Canada, the OICC comprises a team of NDs, MDs, registered nurses, a massage therapist, and additional supportive staff to care for patients at every step of their cancer treatment. OICC is also in the middle of conducting exciting research studies; one involves researchers in Canada and the U.S. investigating advanced treatment for stage 4 cancer patients.
Keep in touch
Keep up with the latest news on growth and other noteworthy developments by visiting the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine’s website.