Welcome to AANMC’s “Applying to ND School” Issue!

Issue 29 • December 2010

In This Issue…

  • Editor’s Note: Applying to ND School, & more…
  • Webinar: Applying to naturopathic medical school
  • Interviews: Applying to ND school
  • Your Questions Answered: Is age an obstacle?
  • Next Up: Milestones 2010

Applying to ND school, ND blogs, careers in medicine & more…

The end of 2010 is almost here, and that means everyone is looking a zillion directions at once – final exams, holiday shopping, travel plans… The AANMC is no different, with our eyes on several disparate topics that all share one commonality: NDs on the scene!

First, the theme of this issue applying to ND school! If you’re a prospective ND student, be sure to make time for next week’s Webinar. Also, check out our interview with ND student Carina Lopez; read how she came to “find the right medicine,” and discovered the courage to follow this new career path. We’ve also interviewed an NCNM admissions advisor who shares his number one tip for anyone applying to ND school!

Next, while I typically highlight outstanding NDs and ND students, this time the spotlight shines on a hero in a different profession: Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post, one of the most widely read and frequently cited media sources on the Web. Why her? To begin with,she staffs a smart group of ND bloggers: Bastyr alumnus Stephen Barrie, ND; CCNM alumna Carolyn Dean, MD, ND; and Bastyr alumnus/Sonoran University professor Walter Crinnion, ND.

Furthermore, Huffington staffs a forward-thinking crew of MD writers, who often promote natural perspectives on healthful living through articles like The Magic of Magnesium: A Mighty Mineral Essential to Health by Christiane Northrup, MD; Gluten Sensitivity And The Impact On The Brain by David Perlmutter, MD; and Why Plants Are (Usually) Better Than Drugs by Andrew Weil, MD.

And the list of HuffPost positives continues: I applaud its coverage of the closure of Clayton College of Natural Health: The Biggest Quack School in Natural Medicine Closes.

Another feature, Where Are the Family Doctors?, portrays a day in the life of a primary care MD, exposing the causes of the all too prevalent career dissatisfaction in this particular medical field. Additionally, it covers the shortage of primary care docs forecasted for the coming decade, a topic also addressed by the Association of American Medical colleges (AAMC), which explains that “The U.S. is expected to face a shortage of 124,000–159,000 physicians by 2025.” Fortunately, NDs are trained to serve as primary care physicians, and you can help fill this demand. Apply to the ND school of your choice – start by finding the school that’s right for you!

To your health and to your future,

Coquina_DegerCoquina Deger
Managing Editor, AANMC

Webinar: Applying to naturopathic medical school

If you’re interested in a career as an ND, you won’t want to miss the next AANMC Webinar! Tune in to hear presentations by admissions representatives and current students, who will share theirinsiders’ perspectives on selecting and applying to naturopathic medical school. This is a fantastic opportunity to have your questions answered by experts representing Bastyr Universityin Seattle, Wash., Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine – Boucher Campus (CCNM – Boucher Campus) in Westminster, B.C., and National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) in Portland, Ore. Register today > There is no charge to attend these events.

Interviews: Applying to ND school

What makes for a successful ND? According to NaturalHealers.com, successful holistic health practitioners usually possess the following attributes:

• Committed to lifelong learning
• Curious and open-minded
• Sensitive and compassionate
• A good listener and excellent verbal communicator
• Highly observant and detail oriented
• Attentive to their own health and wellness

Does this sound like you? Consider the perspectives of the two individuals we interviewed, then take a look in the mirror to see what potential your reflection holds.

Carina_LopezND Student Carina Lopez explains why she’s never looked back after leaving conventional medical school, shares her wisdom on the process of applying to naturopathic medical school, and describes the tremendous rewards and healing she’s found in pursuing her new vocation. READ MORE

An NCNM admissions director shares his insights from the other side of the admissions door. He enjoys meeting future naturopathic doctors, observes many common traits among the naturopathic medical school applicants and students he meets, and finds that he can usually assess a person’s qualities to predict success for students during their education and beyond.

Bridgeport matched and exceeded my expectations of what naturopathic medicine is.
~Carina Lopez, ND Student

Your Questions Answered: Is age an obstacle?

Q:  I am a 55-year-old student currently taking pre-med courses. I was initially planning on becoming a physician’s assistant, but lately I have been contemplating becoming an ND. Will my age be an obstacle?/em>

A: As an “older” student, you will not find age to be a problem in applying to naturopathic medical school, completing your education or practicing as an ND. While it is becoming more common for ND students to begin their studies straight out of undergrad, naturopathic medicine has a strong history of students who come to it as a second or third career.  READ YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED

And please keep the good questions coming! E-mail Coquina Deger at editor@aanmc.org

Next Up: Milestones 2010

School expansions and curriculum advancements, plus a look back at the world of naturopathic medicine in 2010!


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