holistic approach

Sinus infection symptoms may be relieved through a number of natural treatments, including low level laser therapy, herbal supplements, and more.
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Are you feeling a little blue after the holidays? Here are some natural tips to help you feel better.
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Looking for natural ways to boost focus? Try setting a caffeine limit, getting enough sleep, and practicing mindfulness regularly.
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These common acne causes might surprise you! Learn about why dry skin, food sensitivities, or an underlying health condition could be the culprit.
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Wondering when to consult a naturopathic doctor about taking supplements? Learn when to work with a doctor on your supplement regimen.
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Dandruff can be caused by a number of factors, including diet, sensitivity to personal care products, dry skin, and more. Try these natural home remedies.
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Help lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by implementing healthy habits into your daily life including physical & mental exercise, maintaining social connections, and more.
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The best jobs have a number of things in common, including providing a challenge, purpose, and work/life balance.
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Do you know what to expect from a visit to a naturopathic doctor? Here are 5 things an ND would never do, and why.
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There are a number of things you can do to relieve painful heartburn, including adjusting your sleeping position and making changes to your diet.
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