Never Too Late To Follow Your Passion… and Become an ND

Successful career in naturopathic medicine - Dr. Taiwanna Houston

Do you remember what it was like in elementary and middle school? Your teacher would ask you what you wanted to do with your life and you probably came up with a goal like “cowboy” or “astronaut.” But most of us assumed when we came up with a job, that was it. Our career path would be set in stone and that would be our job for the rest of our lives. It doesn’t have to be that way. Many people are finding they want a new direction in life and are choosing a new career in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even later. And one of those career paths that is attracting many people is the exciting field of naturopathic medicine.

Here’s Your Sign

Sometimes in life we are looking for a sign that we are on the right path. Most of us, however, would not consider this to be an actual, physical sign. But that’s exactly what happened with Dr. Dennis Godby, who was looking for a new direction in life when he literally saw a road sign pointing him towards a naturopathic medical school. For Dr. Godby, naturopathic medicine fit in perfectly with his interest in social justice as it gave him the opportunity to help others and foster a sense of volunteerism. For many people who are seeking a new direction in life, it is no longer about the drudgery of a 9 to 5 job. They are looking for something to truly let them follow something they feel strongly and passionately about.

Bring the Best of Your Past into Your Future

Entering a new proposition in life usually presents a few fears that you’re making the wrong decision. But as with many things in life, the end result greatly outweighs any of the negatives. Dr. Tawainna Houston had already earned a master’s degree in divinity from Princeton and was working as a social worker when she realized that she was being called to something else. For Dr. Houston, the hardest part was having to go back to school and “start from scratch” which is also a scary proposition for many of those considering such a career change. Being an ND requires years of training and clinical experience. But what many people don’t realize is that their life experience will likely make it easier. For Dr. Houston, her prior background in the business world simplified starting her own naturopathic practice. Each person has a unique set of experiences they bring to the table, success often follows when you harness and optimize those personal strengths.

You are never too old to follow your passion or to find your path in life. For many, the opportunity to learn about naturopathic medicine comes later in life and now they have a chance to follow that path into a successful career.


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