Addressing and resolving diversity, equity and inclusion issues on AANMC member campuses is vital to the short and long-term viability of our academic institutions and naturopathic-wide professional health. Systemic racism, and conscious and unconscious bias harm campus and healthcare communities and ultimately negatively impact the quality of patient care all doctors provide.
It is incumbent upon us all to address the root of academic and clinical bias, and to vow to commit to ongoing training, activities and policies that foster communities that are safe and inclusive for all.
It is in that spirit that the AANMC convened the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEI), with goals to drive a collective effort across the naturopathic academic community, and to help share best practices that will solidify the infrastructure needed to ensure lasting change.
The work list is long, and will take a concerted and sustained effort, however our dedication and commitment are for the betterment of naturopathic medicine, now and in the future.
Part of our commitment is to ensure enduring change. As such, we will review accreditation standards with the goal of recommending embedding this work in our standards to hold all schools accountable. We will also be similarly recommending DEI topics for NPLEX Board examinations.
Our committee also plans on carefully examining the naturopathic curriculum and clinical education, and more specifically its impact on marginalized communities.
Ultimately, for our students to succeed, every facet of our educational institution needs to be viewed through a DEI lens. Our CEOs and college presidents will need to be the strongest advocates to ensure hiring practices, campus culture and policies continue to move our member campuses in the equitable direction.
With concerted and consistent effort – our goal is to do no harm, to provide the best care and to train the best ND students we can.