
After the holiday presents are unwrapped and the New Year’s glitter settles, the reality of a fresh start hits us. The new year offers limitless possibilities and new beginnings, how do we make the most of it?
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Dr. JoAnn Yánez joins Erin Brinker to discuss tips to reduce stress over the holidays, mindfulness, meaningful social connection, and how to have a healthy holiday season.
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There are many different cooking oils available, some of which are produced using genetically-modified plants and chemical extraction, and some of which are processed more naturally and have a high nutritional content.
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Join AANMC for the recordings of the alumni panel and a 20-minute presentation about what naturopathic medicine is from the 2022 Naturopathic Medical College Virtual Fair.
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These natural sweeteners can be used as an alternative to processed white sugar.
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Join AANMC for the recordings of the alumni panel and a 20-minute presentation about what naturopathic medicine is from the 2021 Naturopathic Medical College Virtual Fair.
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Has the pandemic worn you down? Join Dr. JoAnn Yanez – AANMC executive director to understand how burnout occurs and what you can do to fill your mental, emotional and physical cup back up.
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Is the thought of getting older getting you down? Learn common tips naturopathic doctors teach patients to stack the cards in the direction of aging well and being able to enjoy health in their older years.
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AANMC member institutions strongly recommend that all members of their communities, particularly those working or learning in a clinical setting, receive COVID-19 vaccination as soon as it becomes available to them. The emerging evidence on COVID-19 vaccinations and treatments is being closely monitored, and all AANMC members support adhering to federal/state/provincial/territorial government and public health agency guidelines for healthcare providers and academic institutions.
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