The Naturopathic Kitchen

There are many different cooking oils available, some of which are produced using genetically-modified plants and chemical extraction, and some of which are processed more naturally and have a high nutritional content.
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These natural sweeteners can be used as an alternative to processed white sugar.
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With over 10,000 peer-reviewed articles, turmeric has an extremely impressive resume of disease-preventing and fighting actions. Learn how this health-giving powerhouse packs a punch from head to toe.
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The number of people living with cognitive impairment in the US is equal to twice the population of New York City! The choices we make in the foods we consume each day can have a big impact on both the structure and health of our brains. Learn what you should eat to help preserve and protect brain function!
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Chocolate intake is associated with decreased risks of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes in addition to a variety of other health benefits. Learn how chocolate can benefit your health, and not just your sweet tooth! Plus, get recipes for heart-healthy raw chocolate tartlets and double chocolate avocado cookies.
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2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day! Coffee beans are extraordinarily complex fruits which contain over 1,000 different compounds which offer a wealth of health benefits. Find out how you may benefit from a cup of Joe!
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Cow’s dairy is a food sensitivity for many people. As a result, a considerable number of non-dairy milk alternatives have emerged on the market. People may substitute from a range of plant-based options as well as milk from other animals such as goats. Find out the pros and cons of these alternatives!
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Let's be honest, cilantro is polarizing - you either love it or hate it. But what if we told you cilantro could help improve your health? What's not to love about antioxidants and a wealth of nutritional minerals? Give it a try with this easy recipe!
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You’ve heard us say it before, healthy living starts in the kitchen. Many people find that cooking can be somewhat bland when first starting out, however, that need not be the case! This week we highlight one of our favorites, Garlic – the stinking rose. Garlic is not only a healthy addition to your meal but a very tasty option as well!
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