healthy eating

Carbohydrates have a bad reputation because many high-carbohydrate foods are low in nutrients, but there are also a lot of very healthy, nutrient-rich carbohydrates that could be a positive addition to your regular diet.
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The traditional diet of the Mediterranean region is high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and low in processed foods and added sugar.
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 "After working with so many amazing practitioners in multiple disciplines of medicine, I felt there was a ‘gap’ in what I consider true primary care medicine. It wasn’t until I moved to the West Coast that I heard about naturopathic medicine, and once I did, I felt as though I had found true primary care medicine - medicine that works on a preventative, holistic, and integrative level."
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Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women worldwide. For women in particular, heart disease results in more deaths every year than all forms of cancer combined! In recognition of American Heart month, here are some naturopathic approaches to keep your heart healthy.
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Learn how naturopathic approaches to screening and treating eating disorders can help patients overcome their disorder to lead healthier lives, both emotionally and physically.
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In an effort to stay healthy, feel better, outrun a heritable risk factor, or recover from illness, we are eager to select the right diet. But where do you start when there are so many options, and how do you know which is best for you? Learn how naturopathic doctors work with a patients to create a diet plans that are unique to each individual.
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Join the AANMC and Dr. Aaron Wong to learn how your food choices can nourish your mind, body, and spirit.
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You’ve heard us say it before, healthy living starts in the kitchen. Many people find that cooking can be somewhat bland when first starting out, however, that need not be the case! This week we highlight one of our favorites, Garlic – the stinking rose. Garlic is not only a healthy addition to your meal but a very tasty option as well!
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