cardiovascular health

The traditional diet of the Mediterranean region is high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and low in processed foods and added sugar.
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Leafy greens are a good source of vitamins and other nutrients.
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June is Men’s Health Month, an opportunity to remind men of the importance of screening, health education, and preventative care. The AANMC shares resources that are important for men, not just in June, but all year long.
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2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day! Coffee beans are extraordinarily complex fruits which contain over 1,000 different compounds which offer a wealth of health benefits. Find out how you may benefit from a cup of Joe!
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Pets can serve a multitude of therapeutic functions in addition to being a loving member of the family. In recognition of National Pet Day, four naturopathic doctors share how they incorporate the therapeutic benefits of animals in patient care. Learn how interaction with pets can help your health!
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Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women worldwide. For women in particular, heart disease results in more deaths every year than all forms of cancer combined! In recognition of American Heart month, here are some naturopathic approaches to keep your heart healthy.
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