After suffering a debilitating back injury that resulted in years of recovery, and experimentation with numerous conventional and alternative treatments, Dr. Wong found healing in naturopathic medicine. Experiencing the power of holistic medicine was the driving force in his career change to naturopathic medicine.
The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine - Boucher Campus's graduates consistently outperform the average NPLEX pass rates. Furthermore, CCNM - Boucher Campus is a leader in making naturopathic medicine more accessible. Learn about the recent launch of an online continued education program and advanced standing eligibility for international medical graduates!
Frustrated with the lack of help she was receiving from conventional medicine, Dr. Lisa Ghent discovered naturopathic medicine as a patient struggling with fertility.
Every year the field of naturopathic medical education advances significantly. Each of the seven accredited naturopathic medical schools share an overview of what happened on their campus to further academics, scholarship and community outreach.
"I get to share a piece of people's lives and help guide them to better health on a daily basis. I enjoy creating a safe, connected, and inspiring atmosphere for my patients to heal."
“There are many aspects of the profession that I love, but I think the amount of educating I get to do as a Naturopathic Doctor sticks out to me the most.”
Being hands-on is an important part of the Naturopathic Doctors Training process here at Boucher, and patient diversity is also what makes our training unique. That is why, in addition to our onsite teaching clinic, our student clinicians have the opportunity to operate out of our four external community clinics across BC.
The expression “beautiful BC” is more than just a saying. According to The Economist, Vancouver rates as the 3rd most liveable city in the world after Melbourne and Vienna. Canadian …
Dr. Julie Durnan discovered a huge gap when she saw firsthand how many sick people suffered because they couldn't find treatment. Then she discovered naturopathic medicine and found her passion. After visiting a friend studying to be an ND, Dr. Durnan decided to pursue an education in naturopathic medicine.